America was built around abundant, reliable, and affordable energy. America’s future is being built around clean energy that is abundant, reliable, and affordable.

History has painfully taught America that we must be energy independent. America is blessed with suitable geology, wind, sunshine, water, and ingenuity, everything we need to be energy-diverse, energy-clean, and energy-independent.

H2Blue Strategic Production Network

Introducing: KeyState Atlantic Coast Hydrogen Corridor

KeyState Energy, Developer

21 State Service Area Buildout, 20 Billion Kg Hydrogen Fuel Market

KeyState — Pennsylvania

KeyState Energy’s flagship facility will provide H2Blue, Ammonia, and Urea/DEF to the Northeast Major Population Centers

KeyState — Virginia

H2Blue for the Mid-Atlantic States & Major Transportation Corridors

Negotiations Ongoing


KeyState — Southeast TBA

H2Blue for the Southeast States